Re: Answer To Reset

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Posted by zeitcontrol ( on August 08, 2003 at 04:42:58:

In Reply to: Answer To Reset posted by xavier on July 09, 2003 at 10:31:45:

I am sorry, but this ATR is invalid. Invalid ATR causes most of the time destruction of the card.

Your ATR in Detail:
3B - TS: Initial character direct convention - OK
95 - T0: TA1 and TD1 follows, 5 Historical characters
94 - TA1: FI=9 (Fi=512 max 5MHz), DI=4 (Di=8) -> 57500 bps at 3.68MHz
40 - TD1: TD2 Follows, T=0
FF - TD2: TA3, TB3, TC3, TD3 follows T=15 (this makes no sense)
63 01 01 02 01 this should probably be the 5 historical bytes indicated by T0, but TD2 indicates different.

Please note: There is a difference between "Declare ATR" and "Declare Binary ATR". The ATR (Answer To Reset) of a processor card contains two parts. It starts with parameters for the card communication and ends with historical bytes which e.g. may be used for detecting a certain card or just name the card. Since historical bytes have no meaning for the BasicCard and the card reader you can change them to fit your requirements without any danger. For this you can use the Declare ATR statement. If you need to specify the complete ATR you need to use Declare Binary ATR. But if you specify invalid parameters for the ATR (Declare Binary ATR) this will cause the card not to function properly and such destroy the card.

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