Posted by eric
( on October 21, 2003 at 11:35:48: Can my requirements below be developed with smart card and balance reader? Can the fact the user inserts card into balance reader prompt the smart card that on next insertion another response will display? I am looking for a developer for my project. any interest? server and token intitiate with key they both have same algorithm that calculates the key set by the server. server calculates the first ten possible responses. in the case user presses for whatever reason the response button over and over on the unit(or in the case of smart card inserts the smart card over and over into the balance reader) and gets to response #4, the server will authenticate because it has precalculated the first ten responses. server will then precalculate with response #5 being #1 and adding 4 more responses for a total of 10 at all times. if the client accidentally presses the response button and hits the 11th response without being in sequence (or in the case of smart card inserts the smart card over and over into the balance reader) then he will need to resyncronise with the server with a new key. the first thing checked is the user logon if the user doesn't exist then transaction is over.