Re: can this be done with balance reader and card

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Posted by zeitcontrol ( on October 23, 2003 at 10:30:24:

In Reply to: can this be done with balance reader and card posted by eric on October 21, 2003 at 11:35:48:


just some additional notes,

Please check the thread

and additional the link

this is a simple on time password implementation
(transaction number/tan).

Some hints about the Balance Reader.
Due to power saving the Balance Reader runs
only at 1/3 speed of a standard card reader.
Additional the transmission to the card is closed after about 1 second.
Therefore you should keep the program as short as possible and also try to omit complex operation like file handling in Balance Reader commands.
You should use DES for the algorithm instead of MD5 since it can be calculated quicker and additional is more secure.

Juergen Mengeling
ZeitControl cardsystems

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