Posted by zeitcontrol
( on October 15, 2004 at 10:16:35: In Reply to: Re: RAM capacity has been exceeded posted by rui on October 15, 2004 at 07:18:52: Hello Rui, Thanks for the additional info, but it was not completely possible to follow your example. Please use the "Option Explicit" statement within the program since declaration for the variables You should know that variable of custom type "Contact" would uses 80 Bytes (4 + 30 + 16 + 30),with ZC 3.9 by default you have about 81 Bytes global ram free for user purpose. Best of all put all related files (also the project files) in one zip file and send them either to me directly or to our devepopment/forum address. greetings BTW. currently the line with the put would introduce a new variable named "CtrlLstContact" which would occupied additional memory. Also it is really not advised to use too many operation during card initialisation. |