Posted by christianb
( on October 18, 2005 at 05:29:57:
I am currently using 5.07.10 Tool with ZC6.5 cards. I would like to upgade it to 5.22 version. When I am using my card software with the 5.07 tool and the ZC65_B.mcf file, all is OK. When I am using 5.22 tool with the ZC65_C.mfc file, the compiler crash with the "1932009572 error code" in a compilation error window. If I use the ZC65_B.mcf file, the tool, sometimes, ask me to upgrade it, and sometimes crash with the previuos error code. Sometime, with the ZC65_C.mcf I met another box "BasicCard application : WaitForSingleObject retiurn 258". Do you have any idea that can explain my problem ?
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