Posted by christianb
( on January 17, 2006 at 09:14:26: In Reply to: Re: Managing Rnd value within BasicCard v6.5 posted by christian on January 13, 2006 at 11:46:48:
Dear Christian. For exemple,in a function, I have defined the following : Hight@ = Asc(Byte$) AND &F0 Hight@ and Low@ are the 4 hight bits (respectively the 4 low bits) of my byte with 0 padding. For exemple : I make some tests and sometimes some changes on these values and I try to "stick" them again with NewByte$=Hex$(High@)+Hex$(Low@) I am waiting NewByte$ = "BC" Within the Watches BasicCard window I don't found all time the good value. Some times NewBytes$ is "BC" sometimes it is nothing I could understand like 30 35 42. Regards,