Posted by benjamind
( on January 18, 2006 at 10:28:58:
Hello, I’m working with Visual Studio 6.0 and the ACR30 reader of ACS and with a basic card ZC5.5. I would like to program the basic card to protect the data (with DES encryption) and to use a PIN Code. I have installed the BasicCard Crypto API and I try to use the functions propose in the datasheet: ZCCRYPT.PDF. I have included all the libraries indicated in the PDF. I have an error when I execute my program: “the instruction at the address “0x600025d0” use the memory address “0xcccccccc”. The memory can’t be “written””. The problem is when I’m doing this instruction: DWORD *pVer; ZCCryptGetVer(pVer); I don’t understand why there is a problem. Thanks you for your help, Best regards, Benjamin Davoust.
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