Posted by PHXsystems
( on September 08, 2006 at 13:57:29: Need some help loading a BasicCard. The following is a step-by-step account of trying to load the card. 1) I developed and tested an BasicCard applet using the card debugger and terminal debugger. 2) I compiled to produce a SentryToken.img file. 3) Using the terminal debugger I compiled the BCload.bsc. 4) Using a Gemplus GCR432 Reader 5)Built a load.bat file with the following lines: 6) Run the load.bat file and it displays the following: 7) Inserted a BasicCard Enhanced ZC3.9 card. Note: cards are new card from ZeitControl. 8) program displays the following: 9) because I have a pause after the BCLoad command line in the load.bat file: 10) Load.log file contains: 11) load.err file contains: