Posted by nickl
( on November 21, 2006 at 14:33:44:
I am using a card in an ACS ACR88 reader. I am making calls to &H8010 and then &H8020 (comments etc removed for brevity). Both calls work as expected, but only if I perform a card power-on (reset) between the two calls. I would welcome some advice on what I am doing wrong, as this does not seem right. Basic code first, then the script from the ACR88. Thanks, Nick #pragma ATR(T=1) Type AA10 lngRestaurantNumber as long strRestaurantName as string*20 lngBalance as long End Type Eeprom strRestaurantName as string*20 = left$("Smiles" + space$(20), 20) Command &H80 &H10 GetRestaurantName (strName as string*20) strName = strRestaurantName End Command Command &H80 &H20 CheckBalanceRecord (objAA10 as AA10) ' A stub for now SW1SW2 = &H6B03 End Command -------------------------- // Get restaurant name APDU_Error_Exit(0x02, 0x80, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 22, hexResponseAPDU, bytCardStatus, labelRestaurantCardErrorStatus); Byte_Not_Equal(hexResponseAPDU[20], 0x61, labelRestaurantCardErrorAPDU); // 6114 for 20 bytes returned Byte_Not_Equal(hexResponseAPDU[21], 0x14, labelRestaurantCardErrorAPDU); RAM_Copy(strRestaurantName, hexResponseAPDU, 20); CardPower(0x02, 0x01, bytCardStatus); // Power on. Fails without this( // Pass data to Restaurant Card Set_RAM(hexRequestAPDU, 5, 0x80, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 28); RAM_Copy(hexRequestAPDU[5], hexResponseAPDU, 28); APDU_Error_Exit_RAM(0x02, hexRequestAPDU, 33, 0x02, hexResponseAPDU, bytCardStatus, labelRestaurantCardErrorStatus);
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