Posted by wolfgangr
( on January 16, 2007 at 04:07:15:
In Reply to: Re: program-call with command-line-parameter posted by philippem on January 12, 2007 at 13:15:31:
Hello, my problem is: i wrote a terminal-program to personalize a basiccard (in basic with the development-kit from zeitcontrol(basiccard)). this program asks me for the card-data (user-number) and i give it with the keyboard. I want to pass this input from another program via the command-line to this basic-program. e.g.: my terminal-program is called perso.exe. I want to call it with "perso.exe 12345". the parameter 12345 is the data, i want to store in the basiccard (like i do it with the keyboard-input). my question is, how to fetch the command-line-parameter(12345) inside of the program "perso.exe". thanks a lot for reply.
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