Posted by loud
( on April 03, 2008 at 09:02:07:
In Reply to: Re: T=0 development posted by loud on April 03, 2008 at 08:58:02:
Sorry, but forum engine is not good Hello, I've try to implement existing T=0 command specification on ZC5.4H, and have a trouble with several commands. The most what I dont know how to create is command to receive data from card... Other words how to initiate command "outgoing data only" ? 1. I know that card contain XX bytes for me, and I need to retrieve it 2. The command form is: D0 CA 00 00 [XX] where D0 - Cla, CA - Ins P1 = P2 = 00 XX - required data length (may vary) 3. Card contain for example 6 bytes for me 4. Exchage should happens if XX correct IFD -+ ICC : D0 CA 00 00 06 IFD +- ICC : CA IFD +- ICC : 01 02 03 04 05 06 IFD +- ICC : 90 00 4. Exchage should happens if XX correct and card have more YY bytes for IFD IFD -+ ICC : D0 CA 00 00 06 IFD +- ICC : CA IFD +- ICC : 01 02 03 04 05 06 IFD +- ICC : 96 YY 5. Exchage should happens if XX illegal IFD -+ ICC : D0 CA 00 00 05 IFD +- ICC : 90 11 I've implement it: '--------------------------------------------- Public AnswerLength as byte Public TotalDataLength as byte Public data(100)as byte ' somewhere AnswerLength changed to 6 Command &HD0 &HCA GetAnswer (Lc=0 , S$) private i@ S$ = "" for i@ = 1 to AnswerLength S$ = S$ + Chr$(data(i@)) next i@ TotalDataLength = TotalDataLength - AnswerLength SuspendSW1SW2Processing if TotalDataLength > 0 then SW1 = &H96 : SW2 = TotalDataLength else if SW1SW2 = swCommandOk end if End Command So this work. But I can't check what XX (P3) contain correct value , because in this type of command (outgoing data only), Lc parameter always 0
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