Posted by johnd
( on December 23, 2008 at 11:13:15: Hi; I'm developing an SHA-1 based OTP solution, using ZC3.9 cards and the ZeitControl balance reader, and I'm having a little trouble! My algorithm seems OK, but I have two code instances which execute fine in the debugger, or when executed from a terminal program, but which fail using the balance reader. 1) I want to generate 8 character numeric passwords, and Str$() supresses leading zeroes. Using the Balance Reader Example (where Data is a String to be displayed) OTP = Str$(Abs(Count) Mod 100000000) works in the debugger and the reader, as does OTP = Str$(Abs(Count) Mod 100000000) But eeprom Zeroes as String *7 = "0000000" works in the debugger and terminal, but displays "ERROR" in the balance reader. 2) And probably entirely unconnected (?) call ShaStart() Reports "Error" using the reader (but not the Terminal) and works with both. Has anyone any idea what might be going on ? jd