Memory and processor cards!

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Posted by zeitcontrol ( on November 28, 2002 at 08:26:47:

A memory card is just a piece of EEPROM to store data permanently. It is controlled by a simple hardware which gives access to the EEPROM by a 2- or 3-wire interface. There are cards with some security like write PIN to protect card from unauthorized write access. But most time you can read the whole content of the card, and you can copy the card.

BasicCard is a processor card. It has EEPROM, RAM and ROM. Only the processor of the card has access to all of this. The processor communicates with outside through an ISO (International Standard) protocol (T=1 or T=0). It is controlled by the operating system inside cards ROM. With BasicCard you can create own programs to be loaded into EEPROM. This programs are executed from BasicCard OS. Without a program inside the card you cannot use the card properly. Finally you program defines the behavior and abilities of the card.

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