Posted by henrik
( on April 08, 2003 at 05:24:04:
I have problems open and reading from a binary file. I define the file like this: Dir "mydir" File "myfile" 6,1,27,204,32,0,32,254,6,1,30,204,32,9,32,254 6,1,3,204,32,6,32,254,6,1,19,204,32,12,28,4 30,4,205,90,55,1,204,115,5,205,90,55,2,128,182,0 ... here follows in total 16kb of data End Dir Then I try to open the file and read 32 bytes of data like this: Private ROMaddress% As Integer Private hashblock$ As String*32 Private file@ As Byte
ROMaddress% = &H1fe file@ = Open "@:mydir\myfile" For Binary Access Read Get file@,ROMaddress%,hashblock$,32 close file@
But this doesn't work, can you tell me why and/or give an example of working with binary files? /Henrik
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