Posted by zeitcontrol
( on April 23, 2003 at 05:26:30: In Reply to: sw1sw2 posted by niklas on April 14, 2003 at 06:56:36: SW1SW2=67A3 means swBadATR Since the ATR contains the communication parameters for communication between card and card reader, a card with an invalid ATR cannot be used anymore, since it cannot be accessed anymore. Such you also cannot change the ATR. Further the ATR is stored within program code space not within file system space. Program code cannot be changed from within card application. The only way to change the program code is by reloading the same or different program code from terminal e.g. by use of our tools. This is only possible as long as card is not in RUN state. If the card has an bad ATR this will also not work, since you cannot access the card anymore. In short: If you get swBadATR the card is dead. Nothing you can do to change this. So be carefull when using Declare Binary ATR, since by use of this you may specify invalid ATRs.